Winner of the National Jewish Book Award A Sydney Taylor Notable Book Tablet Magazine's Best Jewish Kids Books of the Year A young teen falls in with the mob, and learns a lesson about what kind of person he wants to be.
And why do some bad policies endure? World Development Report 2017: Governance and the Law addresses these fundamental questions, which are at the heart of development.Policy making and policy implementation do not occur in a vacuum.
In the midst of spiraling ecological devastation, multispecies feminist theorist Donna J. Haraway offers provocative new ways to reconfigure our relations to the earth and all its inhabitants.
... Bates , Water- town ; 2. Jas . W. Converse , Arlington . Less than 1 year - 1 . Geo . Frost , Newton ; 2. C ... Ely , Hartford , Ct . Mr. LEVI A. Dow , Waterville , Me . , has sold the Short- Horn cow May Day to G. J. Shaw ...
According to award-winning public policy scholar and anthropologist Janine Wedel, these are the powerful ''shadow elite,'' the main players in a vexing new system of power and influence.