Explore the fact-checked online encyclopedia from Encyclopaedia Britannica with hundreds of thousands of objective articles, biographies, videos, ...
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The Encyclopędia Britannica (Latin for 'British Encyclopaedia') is a general knowledge English-language encyclopaedia.
Encyclopędia Britannica, Inc.

Encyclopędia Britannica, Inc.

Publishing company ·
Encyclopędia Britannica, Inc. is the company known for publishing the Encyclopędia Britannica, the world's oldest continuously published encyclopaedia. The company also owns the American dictionary publisher Merriam-Webster. Wikipedia

The 'Encyclopaedia Britannica' is considered to be one of the enduring achievements of the Scottish Enlightenment. First issued in 1768.
Encyclopaedia Britannica, founded in Edinburgh, Scotland in 1768, marks its 250th anniversary this year. A pioneer in digital learning since the 1980s, the ...
Rating (23) · 30-day returns
A compendium of articles from the archives of The Encyclopaedia Britannica traces the growth of knowledge in different fields and features writings by brilliant ...
Rating (4) · 30-day returns
A powerful combination of general reference sources. 32-Volumes with over 44 million words, bound handsomely in our black heirloom binding.