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inauthor: John Lauris Blake from
... John Lauris Blake. KEARSLEY and 9th , 1847. He was Governor of California from March to June of that year ; but subsequently joined the army in Mexico ; and , returning home at the close of the war , died October 31 , 1848 , from the ...
inauthor: John Lauris Blake from
... John Lauris Blake. new cffice , which he performed with his charac- teristic energy , till his constitution and strength completely failed him . He died , March 5th , 1830 In person , Bishop Ravenscroft was large and commanding , with a ...
inauthor: John Lauris Blake from
John Lauris Blake. 14 ° 3 . Soon after he had to defend himself against | friend , and never forgot to add exemplary conduct Buckingham , who had supported him in his crimes ; but he triumphed and beheaded his enemy . He was less ...
inauthor: John Lauris Blake from
Report for May 1963 contains revised estimates of farm-mortgage debt for the period 1950-62.
inauthor: John Lauris Blake from
" In this third edition Kopp and Naland, both of whom had distinguished careers in the field, provide an authoritative and candid account of the foreign service, exploring the five career tracks--consular, political, economic, management, ...
inauthor: John Lauris Blake from
"Peace is on the floor waiting to be picked up!" pleaded the German ambassador to the United States. This book explains both the strategies and fumbles of people facing a great crossroads of history.
inauthor: John Lauris Blake from
In History Shock: When History Collides with Foreign Relations Dickson offers valuable insights into the daily life of a Foreign Service officer and the work of representing the United States.
inauthor: John Lauris Blake from
The ineffectual Ambassador is just one of the handicaps facing the Americans as Southeast Asia becomes increasingly involved with Communism.