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inauthor: Massachusetts Historical Society from
Massachusetts Historical Society. Bottom Ferry , on the Susquehannah ; where the subject of this Narrative was born ... in author- ity among the Delawares of the West . One of these had been killed by the Cherokees , and Gibson was ...
inauthor: Massachusetts Historical Society from
... in author's possession . Conrad Wright , " The Dedham Case Revisited , " Proceedings of the Massachusetts Historical Society 100 ( 1988 ) : 19 , . 33 Mary Elizabeth Day Trowbridge , History of ...
inauthor: Massachusetts Historical Society from
... Society and Culture , Sturbridge , Mass . , March 1995 [ in author's possession ] ) , 31 , also passim ; William DeLoss Love , Samson Occom and the Christian Indians of New England ( Boston : Pilgrim Press , 1899 ) , 302 . 34. Moses ...
inauthor: Massachusetts Historical Society from
... Mass . , 1878 ) , 166 ; Herrick , “ Gardner , ” in History of Worcester County , Massachusetts ed . D. Hamilton Hurd ( Philadelphia , 1889 ) , vol . 1 , 828-30 ; Esther G. Moore , History of Gardner Massachusetts , 1785–1967 ( Gardner , ...
inauthor: Massachusetts Historical Society from
... Society , Worcester , Massachusetts Department of Manuscripts , British Library , London Connecticut Historical ... in author's possession . 2. A Revelation of the Extraordinary Visitation of Departed Spirits of Distinguished Men and Women ...
inauthor: Massachusetts Historical Society from
... in author- ity with them ( 1674 ) . See William Coddington in Rhode Island Colonial Affairs ( 1878 ) . He died in Newport , R. I. , Nov. 1 , 1678 . CODMAN , John , clergyman , was born in Boston ... Massachusetts historical society . He ...
inauthor: Massachusetts Historical Society from
... in author's possession . 18. " Bottle Shaken , " unidentified clipping , February 7 , 1895 , Rare Books and Manuscripts , Boston Public Library . 19. St. Botolph Club archives , Massachusetts Historical Society . 20. John Koren ...
inauthor: Massachusetts Historical Society from
... in author's files . 89. Wert , J. Howard , op . cit . 90. Eliason , Talcot , letter to H.B. McClellan , July 23 ... Massachusetts Historical Society , Boston , Massachusetts 02215 . 8. Smith , Jane , diary account , Gettysburg Star ...
inauthor: Massachusetts Historical Society from
... in author's collection . It has been restored through the courtesy of the Massachusetts Historical Society , under the care of Oona E. Beauchard , and it is the author's intention to deposit the document with that institution . Ch'en ...
inauthor: Massachusetts Historical Society from
... Historical Society , Providence , RI . Phillips , George D. Letters . Connecticut Historical Society Museum ... Massachusetts Historical Society , 1985 . Rogers , Stephen O. Letters . Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library & Museum ...