inauthor: Member of the Church of England from
... Church is not autho- rised by Scripture , or ecclesiastical antiquity . " Members of the Church of Rome , and members of the Church of England , have too long entertained towards each other feelings of hostility . Instead of being drawn ...
inauthor: Member of the Church of England from
... in author- ity such as the ... members of the family attended chruch in the morning , generally either St Paul's Chapel or Trinity Church and then wrote letters in the afternoon . Mrs. Washington was a devout member of the Church of England ...
inauthor: Member of the Church of England from
... IN author neither understands the state of the cafe , nor is even able to draw a conse- quence from the ... member of the church of England , or the church of Rome , and yet ingenuoufly confeffes , that he is not acquainted ...
inauthor: Member of the Church of England from
... member of the Church exertion , when well directed . of England he might say that rever had there been such activity in the Church ... in author ty under her- ( cheers ) . There are those who desire that the union which now exists between ...
inauthor: Member of the Church of England from
Explaining and contextualizing the cryptic marginalia, this edition allows twenty-first-century readers to feel the heat and apprehend the strategic importance of An Apology.
inauthor: Member of the Church of England from
... members . A church on this basis was formed in London , but , after suffering the most bit- ter persecutions , many of its members mi- grated to Amsterdam with Francis John- son , pastor ... Church of England here , in that purified Con COL ( ...
inauthor: Member of the Church of England from
... CHURCH UNION surely the Catholic cause for ... member of the Union has been consecrated to the episcopate in the person of ... in author- ity who are not only beginning to see this , but to say that the work of the Church of England ...
inauthor: Member of the Church of England from
... England and Wales.125 126 The other major non-Christian group recorded in the 2001 and 2011 censuses was that of ... Church Statistics, 4, 2021 Edition, 2015 to 2025 (Tonbridge: ADBC Publishers, 2020), 1.1. 7 For the convenience of ...
inauthor: Member of the Church of England from
... England ? Is the former answerable for the Horseley , insisted principally on barren ethics , and aped abuses and ... members of the Episcopal the extreme to which some of them carried their eccle- not , that the church of England ...
inauthor: Member of the Church of England from
... England during the excitement caused by the famous trial of Dr. Sacheverel . On his return , the North church in ... member . His energy and ability soon gained him the princi- pal management of his father's business , and so much ...