"The very first guide to the gay world's most infamous professions. John Preston solicited the advice and opinions of "working boys" from across the country in his effort to produce the ultimate guide to the hustler's world.
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This sixth edition of The Handbook of Clinical Psychopharmacology is a must-have resource for therapists who need the most up-to-date information on the effects, side effects, and best uses of every psychoactive medication.
Mrs. Pretty, the widowed owner of the farm, has had her hunch confirmed that the mounds on her land hold buried treasure. As the dig proceeds, it becomes clear that this is no ordinary find.
This edition features an appendix of supplementary materials about Franny and the author, as well as an introduction by Michael Lowenthal, the novelist and anthologist and author of two books, including the Lambda Award-nominated Avoidance.
With the pace and drama of a thriller, A Very English Scandal is an extraordinary story of hypocrisy, deceit and betrayal at the heart of the British Establishment.
China is daily becoming more and more an object of interest and curiosity to European nations, in proportion as commerce, the fore-runner, if not the cause, of all improvement.in the arts of civilization, discloses its resources, and sheds ...